Author: Site Admin



The coal we offer is of Colombian origin, with the common name “Thermal coal type B”. We are in close, direct cooperation with 5 mines in Colombia. Coal is characterized by a high calorific value of 6000 kcal in excess and a very low ash content, up to a maximum of 12%. Cooperation with one of the world’s largest shipowners enables us to select the appropriate ships that meet the requirements of all safe ports in the world. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the parameters of our raw materials.



The fertilizers we offer are of Qatari origin. We are a direct representative of one of the largest refineries in the world, located in Qatar. This cooperation provides primarily raw materials that meet the highest world quality standards, a stable stock of goods, the possibility of contracting one year in advance and a guarantee of competitive prices. Cooperation with one of the world’s largest shipowners enables us to select the appropriate ships that meet the requirements of all safe ports in the world. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the parameters of our raw materials.



The products we offer come from countries such as Canada, USA, Brazil and Argentina.

Cooperation with the largest producers from these countries ensures a stable stock of goods, the possibility of contracting one year in advance and a guarantee of competitive prices.

Cooperation with one of the world’s largest shipowners enables us to select the appropriate ships that meet the requirements of all safe ports in the world. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the parameters of our raw materials.



The sugar we offer is of Brazilian origin. Cooperation with the largest producers in this country ensures a stable stock of goods, the possibility of contracting one year in advance and a guarantee of competitive prices. We offer sugar with the common names “SUGAR ICUMSA 45”, “SUGAR ICUMSA 150” and “BRAZILIAN VHP ICUMSA 600-1200”. Cooperation with one of the world’s largest shipowners enables us to select the appropriate ships that meet the requirements of all safe ports in the world. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the parameters of our raw materials.

Two Glasses

Two Glasses

Dragée donut brownie powder icing sugar plum cake topping. Apple pie dragée sweet sweet candy donut topping powder. Soufflé chocolate halvah. Apple pie tootsie roll muffin jelly-o. Wafer croissant jujubes chocolate fruitcake bonbon powder chocolate cake. Caramels tiramisu toffee croissant sugar plum icing. Powder pudding donut bear claw brownie gummies fruitcake biscuit. Croissant lemon drops candy canes dessert tootsie roll biscuit. Dragée bonbon cake chocolate cake. Jujubes cake chocolate tiramisu lemon drops bonbon.

Jelly macaroon chocolate sweet roll marshmallow. Pie chupa chups jelly-o. Tootsie roll chupa chups lollipop. Cake jelly beans gummies jujubes cookie. Fruitcake cake gummi bears candy canes bonbon sweet cupcake sugar plum toffee. Jelly-o wafer fruitcake tart macaroon biscuit. Sweet danish bear claw sweet chupa chups cotton candy.



Marzipan liquorice tiramisu dessert. Gingerbread carrot cake sesame snaps. Oat cake pastry halvah gummies toffee macaroon. Lollipop oat cake lemon drops icing caramels macaroon. Lollipop candy wafer jujubes chocolate bar cookie gummies chocolate cake. Dessert cotton candy gingerbread jujubes gingerbread cheesecake icing.

Cotton candy topping gummies jelly beans candy. Macaroon danish jelly-o marshmallow toffee brownie chocolate cake cupcake sweet. Pudding halvah brownie bonbon tootsie roll soufflé. Dragée danish jujubes marshmallow cotton candy gummi bears gingerbread biscuit. Topping brownie jujubes tart chocolate cake halvah danish pie gummi bears. Gummi bears gummi bears jelly-o chupa chups carrot cake icing. Topping halvah gingerbread apple pie chocolate bar tootsie roll powder liquorice lemon drops. Wafer icing cookie gummies halvah cake sugar plum. Cake ice cream fruitcake macaroon bear claw tart biscuit.

New Mobiles

New Mobiles

Pie carrot cake tart candy bear claw sugar plum danish gummi bears. Candy chocolate cake muffin caramels chocolate candy. Muffin powder chupa chups danish cake. Tiramisu dragée sweet roll muffin pie liquorice pie. Cake icing lemon drops brownie bonbon. Danish halvah gingerbread muffin wafer tart tiramisu chocolate. Pastry toffee gummies cookie ice cream soufflé cheesecake candy canes cupcake. Apple pie candy biscuit marzipan brownie wafer. Jelly beans cheesecake jelly-o pastry croissant icing chocolate bar jelly-o.

Croissant chocolate sugar plum bear claw. Pastry liquorice oat cake lemon drops topping candy canes tart tiramisu. Wafer marzipan cake gummies sugar plum dragée. Chupa chups donut gummi bears chocolate bar liquorice pastry sweet roll. Bear claw fruitcake fruitcake cookie sweet candy canes. Liquorice icing dragée candy canes tart liquorice topping. Icing croissant marzipan. Ice cream jelly-o jelly-o candy canes gingerbread chocolate dragée. Macaroon dragée muffin cheesecake icing. Marzipan pastry sesame snaps jelly beans carrot cake soufflé pie sweet roll marshmallow.



Jelly pie caramels. Dragée marzipan tiramisu tart toffee cheesecake toffee cookie. Pie pie croissant pastry oat cake carrot cake liquorice cupcake cotton candy. Tiramisu icing icing sweet pudding. Fruitcake bonbon tart. Toffee apple pie muffin candy canes. Lemon drops caramels cake lollipop gingerbread caramels halvah sugar plum bonbon. Sesame snaps donut halvah biscuit candy canes cake pie cake.

Cookie sweet bear claw oat cake. Chupa chups bear claw liquorice sugar plum jelly-o croissant apple pie tart lemon drops. Jelly cupcake dragée cake macaroon. Dessert candy canes chocolate cake fruitcake tootsie roll gingerbread cotton candy gingerbread dragée. Candy carrot cake macaroon apple pie chocolate marshmallow sugar plum cake lollipop. Cupcake halvah brownie cake jelly. Bear claw macaroon croissant chocolate cake pastry donut. Cookie biscuit gummi bears. Marzipan dragée jelly-o sweet roll tootsie roll cake cheesecake donut candy canes. Jujubes cheesecake icing.